"You are sophisticated and refined, but also complicated and hard to deal with. Not everyone loves you, but those who do swear that you're the coolest thing since sliced bread. One of these days the people that matter will understand you. Until then, you will be sitting on your throne as the distinguished product that not everyone has the taste to appreciate."
"You are tough and you know it. It takes a long time for people to get to know you but you wouldn't have it any other way. You don't care what people think, but sometimes that turns people off of you."
Ja muuten, valmiiksi viipaloita leipä on minusta vähän hölmöä, ei niinkään coolia.
hmmm, Olut ja Cosmopolitan. Meniköhän se sittenkään ihan nappiin?
Tuli mieleen, että tuleeko testistä muita vastauksia kuin viini ja viski jäillä... mutta sellainen oli persoonallisuuteni analyysi :)
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